persona 3 portable

Atlus details the Persona remasters new features and improvements


persona 3 portable

The Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden remasters are out next month on the Nintendo Switch and other systems and today Atlus has revealed a little more about what players should expect with the new versions of the classic RPGs. Atlus says that you can now Quick Save in both games and also select different difficulty modes including “Very Easy” and “Easy” You can read about some of the new features and also check out the new trailer for the forthcoming Persona remasters down below. The Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden remasters are launching on 19th January.

Smooth, High-Resolution Graphics: Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden have been reborn from their original versions with high-resolution graphics, allowing you to enjoy the game with vividly high-definition visuals and smooth controls.

Choose Your Difficulty from the Start: The difficulty level that you were able to select from your second playthrough can now be chosen from when you start the game. Since difficulty level does not affect the development of the story, “Very Easy” or “Easy” are recommended for players who just want to enjoy the story.

Quick Save: In addition to save points, you can now save your game at any time with “Quick Save.”

Album Feature for Persona 4 Golden: A new function has been added to Persona 4 Golden, which allows you to look back on previous scenes from the album in your room. You can also choose different answers from those you selected when you first played the scene.

