A cringe cartoon

There are, however, many who think otherwise. A Did You Know Gaming video from earlier this year revealed that even Miyamoto himself “cringed” when he first saw Wind Waker’s Toon Link and cel-shaded design. While the character went on to have a good run on GameCube and GBA, the DS/3DS entries might have just managed to get everyone else thinking the same way. [Careful, Jim – Ed.]
If you look on any kind of ‘Best Zelda Games’ list, you’re unlikely to find Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks near the top of the pack. While there are some brave heroes out there who strive to defend the two DS-exclusive entries (certain Team NL members have a certain nostalgic soft spot for each), to say that they helped the prospect of Toon Link’s continued existence would be a stretch. [Hmm. That train music, though! – Ed.]
When the Four Sword multiplayer gimmick returned in the 3DS’ underwhelming Tri Force Heroes, it became apparent that repeated use of Toon Link was never going to survive the years. A Smash Bros. appearance and amiibo drop later, the prospect of seeing a Wind Waker-style Link at the helm of another entry seems to have long sailed, especially after a totally new style was adopted for A Link Between Worlds and Grezzo’s Link’s Awakening remake on Switch.
Wait! Look! Listen!

Yet we would argue that a handful of less-than-glowingly received entries starring the character is not enough to undo all of the good that he’s done. Toon Link deserves to be given another shot.
Following Wind Waker, this style of hero has only appeared in the series’ handheld entries. Those that used it were generally speaking looked down upon (PH, ST, TFH), while those that didn’t were praised (A Link Between Worlds, the 3DS remakes of the N64 pair, and, we suppose, Breath of the Wild and Link’s Awakening… and Skyward Sword HD somewhere in the middle). But the times, they are a-changing, and with Nintendo ever-determined to blur the boundary between handheld and home consoles, Toon Link has the opportunity look better than ever before.
The likeliest scenario of Toon Link’s return comes with that Wind Waker HD remaster which is definitely, 100% coming to the Switch any day now (*gulp*). But despite his patchy (spirit) track record when it comes to starring in bona fide video game masterpieces, Toon Link could return triumphant in a brand new series entry. And we can’t help but think that he should. He used to be great, and he could be once more.
While the style has some stinkers sullying its good name [Now now, that’s quite enough of that – Ed.], the highlights are just too glowing for Nintendo to leave those cat-eyes gathering dust for too much longer. Let’s take a stylistic punt once again, shall we Nintendo?
What do you think? Would you like to see Toon Link return to the mainline Zelda franchise? Cast your cat-eyes over the following poll then sail down to the comments and let us know!