The sun has risen on a new era. Age of Empires’ time on console has begun! From today, the globally beloved and critically acclaimed Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is available on Xbox consoles with Xbox Game Pass. Built for controller play, this edition innovates and enhances the game for those more familiar with a controller than a keyboard. Rulers armed with Xbox controllers can now prove their might in over 200 hours of historical gameplay spanning over 1000 years of human history across 35 civilizations. Live through moments of global history from the comfort of your couch.

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has been growing since its release in 2019 with almost 40 updates, 3 DLC additions, and a constant stream of improvements, with 83 maps, 42 multiplayer civilizations, 34 single-player campaigns, 10 multiplayer modes, and 7 co-op campaigns. Players can access all this content on console with the Age of Empires II: Deluxe Definitive Edition, available at launch. Our passionate community of Age players have been asking us to bring Age to console – and we’ve been listening. Knowing that bringing this bastion of strategy gaming to Xbox’s around the world would require thought and care, we’ve taken time to produce a version of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition with controller and console players at the heart of the design.

We’re proud of the extensive work the Age of Empires team has put into this game to ensure the best possible controller experience. Here are some of the ways we’ve adapted Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition to make it sing on Xbox:
- Implemented a new UI/UX which is optimized for controller input. Allowing you to manage your many resources, units and goals on screens from Cloud Gaming enabled mobile devices to large-scale UHD TVs, we’ve ensured that the UI allows for easy readability and comprehension, allowing you to put maximum focus on your build orders and strategies. Experience native controller UI design through D-pad shortcuts, command wheels and more.
- New gameplay innovations to elevate the Age of Empires experience for both new and experienced players. Whether this is your first foray into empire building, or whether you’re a seasoned ruler, we’ve added innovations to make your experience on console smooth and productive. These include villager automation and Site Based Commands, balancing your time and focus so you can push your armies forward!
- New tutorial and learning resources developed specifically for intuitive controller gameplay. All players will receive instruction on how to easily use a controller to build your empire. We’ll supplement the in-game features with a “Learn to Play” guide on AgeOfEmpires.com specifically for this edition. We’ve also included story difficulty campaign missions, allowing you to focus on the historical moments and building your skills as you work towards a harder difficulty.
- Players loyal to keyboard and mouse will be able to transition easily to the console version. We’ve ensured those inputs are supported, giving you options for how you choose to play.
- We’re also bringing the game to Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta), allowing players to continue their empire building, even when away from PC or console.
This is the beginning of Age of Empires’ console era, and we’ll have more for you later this year. Build your mettle with Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and you’ll be able to add Age of Empires IV to your roster later in 2023. Stay tuned for more news on that release.

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is available now for $19.99 through the Microsoft Store on Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. If you want to enjoy the additional campaigns and civilizations added through our DLC upgrades, check out the Deluxe Definitive Edition bundle, containing the base game and Lords of the West, Dawn of the Dukes and Dynasties of India. If you’re already an owner of the base game on Microsoft Store you’ll have free access to the new console version to enjoy on both platforms.

Oh, and as an extra thank you for playing, anyone who tries out Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition between January 31 and February 14 will be able to enjoy a fun confetti mod to celebrate!
It’s time to Ready Up. Wololo!

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Xbox Game Studios
For years, we’ve battled armies and conquered history. Now it’s time for the next evolution. Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is now available across Xbox platforms. Enjoy a new way to play this much-loved game on console including optimizations for playing with a controller and new tutorials to get you into the fun quickly. Or if you prefer playing with a keyboard and mouse you can easily plug into your console or play on PC.
Enjoy 200+ hours of historical campaign gameplay, 1,000 years of human history and 35 civilizations now from the comfort of your living room.
(Available for free to current Microsoft Store owners.)