
Sneaking onto the NA eShop with a subterfuge uncharacteristic of the gun-toting Umbra Witch, the Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Digital Bundle is a compilation of her first two games and it’s available now on the US Switch eShop.
For the princely sum of $59.98, you can download this bundle featuring Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 and save $20 compared to buying the pair separately at full price — the original game goes for $29.99 while the sequel costs $49.99.
Of course, if you’re a fan of PlatinumGames’ elegant and irreverent hack-and-slash series, you’ll no-doubt have these gems already, either on Wii U or Switch (or elsewhere for the first non-Nintendo-published entry). If you’re a new Switch owner, though, and you’re looking to catch up with a couple of the finest action games on the system, this is a decent way to pick them up for a fair price. That way you’ll be ready for the upcoming Bayonetta 3 when it lands at an undisclosed time in 2022, won’t you?
In our reviews we called the first game “one of the most rewarding and memorable cult hits of the previous generation” and said that the second offers “an addictive free-flowing combat formula that sprinkles in platforming, light exploration and a ridiculous story to create something that you simply need to experience”. They’re both very good video games.
Let us know below if you’ll be double dipping with the Bayonetta Bundle.