Author: Vikki Blake
Naughty Dog knows The Last of Us Part 1 on PC hasn’t delivered “the quality you expected”
[ad_1] Naughty Dog has apologised to PC players for the “quality level” of The Last of Us Part 1 and assured fans that it working to address the “issues preventing some of you from experiencing the game”. The studio said that a hotfix designed to address the “jittering on mouse-controlled camera movement” was on the…
Resident Evil 4 Remake has a progress-breaking bug – here’s how to mitigate it until a fix arrives
[ad_1] Capcom has issued a warning to Resident Evil 4 Remake players to “be aware of a rare but critical progress bug”. Whilst the problem will “only occur under very specific circumstances”, the team said that it was working on a fix and apologised for any inconvenience. Resident Evil 4 Remake Review – SPOILER…
The Division 2 players who “circumvent game mechanics to gain excessive XP” will be banned, warns Ubisoft
[ad_1] Ubisoft is gunning for The Division 2 players who are “circumventing game mechanics” to rack up “an excessive amount”. In a statement shared across the shooter’s social media channels, the development team warned that it was “monitoring” the issue and players who “make use of these exploits” will receive a temporary ban, whilst repeat…
EGX Full-Ride Fund is raising money to enable low-income and marginalised game developers get to EGX 2023
[ad_1] EGX Full-Ride Fund is offering bursaries to enable UK-based, low-income and marginalised game developers to attend EGX 2023. The campaign – which has no official connection with EGX or its organisers and was set up by “working class lad and formerly low-income member of the games industry”, Dan Ahern – hopes to “fully fund”…
Dark and Darker legal dispute gets more and more confusing after a GoFundMe campaign is deleted
[ad_1] A GoFundMe fundraiser launched to help Dark and Darker developer Ironmace raise funds to fight a copyright claim against publisher Nexon has been deleted. The fundraiser – which hoped to secure half a million dollars to pay for legal costs and developer salaries whilst the dispute persisted – was only live for about…
“Left4Dead3” has reportedly popped up in CS2 files
[ad_1] The term “Left4Dead3” has reportedly popped up in CS2 files. Dubbed “version 2”, the reference secreted in the files states that whilst the severity of Left4Dead3 is “high” – whatever that means – the priority is “none”, which comes as no surprise to many of the commenters on Steam’s subreddit page. Mod it til…
Action-RPG Duel Corp can be played “alone and later with a friend” and it’s out now in early access
[ad_1] Action-RPG Duel Corp is now available in early access (EA) on Steam. The game – which boasts the curious conceit that you can play alone and then later with a friend – launched in early access yesterday, and will be available as an open playtest between now and 4th April. Duel Corp | Closed…
Multiplayer shooter Hyenas’ new specialist is a Sonic cosplayer
[ad_1] Hyenas developer Creative Assembly has revealed a new Sonic-cosplaying character has joined the roster. Hero-Ki – “someone who has clearly been inspired by a certain speedy SEGA series” – is described as “a minor celebrity back on Earth thanks to his cosplay and charity work” but now chases “nefarious pursuits”. Meet Hero-Ki! |…
Square Enix gives us a “closer look” at Final Fantasy 16’s world, and it’s stunning
[ad_1] Square Enix’s latest Twitter tease has given us one of our best peeks yet at the RPG’s gorgeous world. Entitling the tweet “introducing a closer look at the world of Valisthea in Final Fantasy 16”, a video gives us almost two minutes’ worth of Valisthea’s stunning environments, from sandy deserts and rugged clifftops to…
An unannounced native PS5 version of Dead Cells has popped up on ESRB
[ad_1] It looks like Dead Cells is getting a native PS5 release that bundles in its Return to Castlevania DLC. Whilst not formally confirmed, the game – called Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Edition, unsurprisingly enough – popped up on the US Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB), clearly marked as coming to PS5 (thanks, Gematsu). …