Author: Sarah James
WoW Cataclysm Earthen Ring quartermaster location
The Earthen Ring quartermaster is a vendor found in one of the first zones you can visit in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. As the name suggests, they’re tied to the Earthen Ring faction and sell a variety of goodies to those who have earned sufficient reputation levels to unlock them. Daily quests play a big…
WoW Cataclysm Classic: Hyjal or Vashj’ir?
If you’re wondering whether it’s best to go to Hyjal or Vashj’ir in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, then you’re likely ready to start your journey to level 85. Cataclysm continues the tradition of offering a choice of initial leveling zones in a new expansion, though one of them is surprisingly easy to miss. If…
WoW Cataclysm Classic zone levels
The Cataclysm zone level requirements help to dictate where to go when leveling through the latest World of Warcraft Classic expansion. Unlike modern WoW where many zones adjust to your level, each area in Classic is bound by a pretty narrow level range. This means you can accidentally wander into zones you’re not ready for,…
WoW Cataclysm map: Each zone uncovered
If you’re looking for a World of Warcraft Cataclysm map, it’s more complex a request than you might think. The Cataclysm-specific zones are spread across Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, and, in the case of Vashj’ir, in the sea, so you can’t see everything on the same map. What you can do, however, is scroll further…
WoW Remix Strongarm Tactics: How to complete the quest
The Strongarm Tactics quest is one you’ll encounter pretty quickly when you dive into World of Warcraft‘s new limited-time mode, WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. If you’ve done any questing in Jade Forest in the past, you’ll likely recognise this quest, but things get a bit tricky once you get partway through. The quest tasks…
Ghost of Tsushima horse choice: Which should you pick?
Once you make your way through the Ghost of Tsushima tutorial, you’ll be given a choice: pick a horse and give it a name. It seems simple enough, but it’s always hard to tell if an early game choice will have lasting complications later in the game—that’s likely why you’re here, after all. If you…
Abiotic Factor soup: How to make a tasty bowl
Figuring out how to make good soup in Abiotic Factor can be challenging. Sure, this survival game is set in a research facility and you may be punching crates instead of trees, but that doesn’t mean you can’t throw things in a pot and see what concoction you can come up with. Discovering things for…
WoW Dragonflight: The Parting Glass location
The Parting Glass is the name of a building in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight that is found in the capital city of Valdrakken. It houses the vendors for the new season 4 currency, Antique Bronze Bullion. It’s also where you’ll find the NPC to spend your Awakened Mark of Mastery once you complete the achievement,…
WoW Wild Offerings: How to complete The Wild Gods quest
You might not know what to do with Wild Offerings if you find them in your inventory in World of Warcraft Classic. These items are the objective of a quest in the third phase of WoW’s Season of Discovery, but they also act as a type of currency. Confusingly, you can loot Wild Offerings before…
Stardew Valley bookseller location | PC Gamer
If you’re trying to find the bookseller’s location in Stardew Valley, you might be coming up short. It’s not just a matter of how long you wait or how thoroughly you explore the town—if you’re searching on the wrong day, you’ll never find the elusive vendor. The books they sell are part of Stardew’s 1.6…