Author: Jacob Crick
The Final Victor at the Cathedral of CS:GO
[ad_1] Don’t be sad that it’s over, be happy that it happened. As CS:GO and indeed CS:GO events come to a close. As we gather one last time to watch the best two teams of the event, at the IEM Cologne Final. It’s a perfect time to reflect on not only where we’ve come from.…
IEM Cologne 2023 Semifinals Match Previews » Who will win?
[ad_1] IEM Cologne, the Cathedral of Counter-Strike. The Lanxess is once again fully booked for the 2023 IEM Cologne Playoffs. The last time that this iteration of Counter-Strike will see a big stage. CS:GO has truly been hallmarked as a classic, but it’s time to usher in the new in CS2. And what better way…
Twitch’s Ban of Skin Gambling: Significance & Implications
[ad_1] Ever the topic of moral questionability, more restrictions have been placed on streamers as Twitch bans explicitly skin gambling. Since the days of the CSGOLotto betting scandal, where Valve were influenced into putting restrictions on what sites could do using their bots and APIs, we have seen lots of sites adapt to survive as…
Esports vs Traditional Sports Betting. What’s the best way to go?
[ad_1] As esports become more and more accepted around the world. By generations younger and older alike. It’s easier than ever to see it as a good investment for companies looking to expose their brand to a new and attentive audience. As the scenes of many stand-out esports grow and grow, the tournaments get bigger…