Author: Ian Higton
You’ll need nerves (and a stomach) of steel to play this Flat2VR mod for Amnesia: The Dark Descent!
If there’s one thing VR excels in, it’s the horror game genre. Traditional flat horror games can be scary, sure, but there’s always a safety blanket there. Because you’re watching the action play out on a screen in front of you a slight turn of your head will break the illusion. Suddenly you’re back in…
Meta Quest 3 review impressions – one of VR gaming’s best options
[ad_1] Head(sets) up, Readers. Due to a snafu with Meta’s servers during the Quest 3 review window and a last minute embargo change, I’ve only been able to spend around five to six hours with the unit so far. This means the impressions below are based on those first few hours, rather than an extended…
Here’s how XDefiant aims to improve on Call of Duty’s multiplayer
[ad_1] The closed beta for Ubisoft’s Call of Duty clone-alike XDefiant has just gone live and you beta believe I’ve already had the chance to examine the game! In my preview video above, you can expect to see PC gameplay that I captured during an hour long hands-on session as I talk about 13 ways…
The Last Worker’s all-star cast brings a shine to its anti-capitalist satire but the gameplay is a chore
[ad_1] Before I start talking about my time with The Last Worker, I feel I should preface this week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner with a couple of points. Firstly, the game’s publisher Wired Productions should be absolutely praised for not only making The Last Worker available to play in both flat-screen and VR modes,…
Endless Dungeon shows promise but its steep learning curve may alienate casual roguelite fans
[ad_1] I love a roguelike/lite, whatever they’re called, and I’ve clocked up countless hours on things like Enter the Gungeon and The Binding of Isaac. Because of this I was the first to put my hand up for a trip to see the almost final build of Endless Dungeon, which described itself as ‘roguelite tactical…
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution isn’t quite as shambolic on PSVR2
[ad_1] I was an absolutely massive fan of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners when I played it on PC VR. Scavenging my way through the mini open worlds of post apocalyptic New Orleans was super immersive and the way that the virtual weapons had a feeling of heft and weight to them brought a…
Ian and Aoife go head-to-head to see who will yelp the most in Switchback VR
[ad_1] After a slight delay, PSVR2 launch title The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR is finally here, but just how scary is this horror-themed rollercoaster ride? To put it to the test, Aoife and I popped along to Supermassive Games to try out the third level of Switchback VR which is set onboard the SS Ourang…
The first five hours of Dead Island 2 are a bloody good time
[ad_1] So here’s a funny story. Thanks to YouTube’s recent tightening of restrictions, the last time I previewed Dead Island 2 the video that I made was age-gated as soon as it was published thanks to the extreme gore on show. OK, so maybe its not that funny because I worked super late into the…
Watch Aoife and Ian play through the Resident Evil 4 remake Chainsaw demo
[ad_1] The Eurogamer video team has been all abuzz since Capcom surprise dropped a demo for its upcoming remake of Resident Evil 4, and I’m not just talking about our excitement levels here either! Snappily titled ‘Chainsaw Demo’, this 15 minute gameplay snippet covers the first section of the game as Leon (and his surprisingly…
9 ways to get the best out of your PSVR2
[ad_1] The PSVR2 is here and in my humble opinion it’s brilliant. One of the best things about it though comes from reading all the comments on this site from new PSVR2 owners who are having their minds blown after finally being able to experience VR for the first time! It’s a wonderful sight to…