Author: Ian

  • Community Update November 2023 – Xbox Wire

    Community Update November 2023 – Xbox Wire

    To Whom It May Concern Fall has begun over here at HQ, and you can already feel its effects in the air. The leaves are turning, the faint smell of vaguely pumpkin flavored coffee permeates the office, and the night is dark and full of terrors. (That’s from when everyone still liked that show, right?)…

  • Pardon Our Dust – Xbox Wire

    Pardon Our Dust – Xbox Wire

    Hello, Xbox Insiders! Some of our more eagle-eyed community members have already noticed changes to our Xbox Insider blog, so we wanted to chat with everyone about it. These changes (and maybe some you haven’t even noticed yet!) are just the beginning of a months-long transformation, which will restructure our community platforms to allow for…