Author: Christian Donlan
Off Topic: The hidden world of running Segments
[ad_1] I started running last year after reading Ben Wilson’s wonderfully Brysonian memoir, One Year Without Social Media, a memoir that properly soars whenever 5Ks and 10Ks are in the offing. I often walk with a stick for balance, so I assumed that running would be beyond me. It turned out it wasn’t. Sure, I…
Golfie is a deckbuilding golf game, and it all makes sense •
[ad_1] For my second game of Golfie, I played through an actual dungeon. All of a sudden I was bouncing off huge pieces of stone, and knocking over candles. All of this on my way to the next hole. And suddenly everything made sense. Golfie Publisher: Yogscast Games Developer: Triheart Studios Platform: Played on PC…
Onde is definitely this year’s best bubble riding music game •
[ad_1] Years back, when PomPom – genius developers of slithery arcade treats – wanted to patent an idea they’d just come up with, an idea about controlling elements of a game by dropping little bubbles of air around them to knock them this way and that, the terminology they came up with, I think, was…
Tunic review – it’s a marvel •
[ad_1] These are my favourite worlds. The best worlds, if you ask me. The best of all possible worlds. Not open worlds, not free-roaming, certainly not endless or procedural worlds. Instead these worlds are a bounded place, a place as boldly self-contained – as compact and weather-tested – as a bird’s nest in the high…
Young Souls is scrappy but fun •
[ad_1] To get this out of the way first, I’ve been playing Young Souls on Switch and it’s not an enormously brilliant port. This was once a timed Stadia exclusive, I gather, and while it’s entirely playable on Switch, the loading can be quite lengthy and the frame rate can be sort of jittery, which…
Roguebook throws the book at card games and roguelites •
[ad_1] A couple of mornings with this delightful CCG. An old Edge editorial that has stayed with me spoke about what a perfect piece of technology a book is. I think Getting Up had just come out, with its luxuriously muddled menu systems based on the New York subway system. Anyway, compared to picking your way…
Dark Matters is a workout for the triggers •
[ad_1] And it’s just an absolute treat. Gunborg: Dark Matters looks like a Metroidvania, but it isn’t. Something about the layout tricked me – warrenous 2D corridors, suggesting complexity, back-tracking, several flavours of door. In fact, this is an action game – a short, punchy action-platformer game with an emphasis of repeating levels until you ace…
a console for every place •
[ad_1] When I first heard about the Nintendo Switch, I didn’t understand it. I am notoriously thick, so when a rumour went around that the next Nintendo would be like the Wii U but inside out, I couldn’t even picture it. Would we have to stand inside the tablet somehow? I saw wires tangling everywhere.…
Off Topic: Stargazing on Second Avenue
[ad_1] At the start of every year I promise myself that this spring I will head out onto the South Downs late one evening and actually see the Milky Way. Light pollution: there are still certain spots on the Downs where it’s actually dark enough to see the galaxy that we are a part of.…
Elden Ring is a surprisingly brilliant “only forward” game •
[ad_1] I am by no means a Souls expert. The opposite really. I played Dark Souls a bit and loved it – but I also struggled with it, as a foolish, cowardly, flighty kind of person and player. By the time I almost knew what I was doing – or rather, by the time I…