Author: Bharat Kotwani

  • How to enable it in Valorant?

    How to enable it in Valorant?

    [ad_1] It’s common practice for players of competitive multiplayer games like Valorant, a first-person shooter, to experiment with a wide variety of options in order to find the optimal balance between fun and challenge. Using Angle Snapping while moving the cursor around can help Valorant players maintain their crosshair levels. Some versions of gaming mice…

  • Former Clash Royale Pro Flobby Passes Away at 22

    Former Clash Royale Pro Flobby Passes Away at 22

    [ad_1] As reported by SK Gaming, professional Clash Royale player Justus ‘Flobby’ von Eitzen has unfortunately committed suicide at the age of 22.  SK Gaming tweeted the tragic news of Flobby’s passing, explaining that the player had been killed in a car crash shortly after writing a farewell message to his loved ones. “We are…

  • All News Surrounding CSGO Source 2 Engine

    All News Surrounding CSGO Source 2 Engine

    [ad_1] If you’re an avid CS:GO fan, you may have spent a couple of sleepless nights over the past few weeks in eager anticipation of the release of ‘Counter-Strike 2’. The port of CS:GO into the Source 2 game engine has always been a big deal in the game’s community. In fact, rumors revolving around…

  • Valorant community manager reveals Gekko fixes in Patch 6.05

    Valorant community manager reveals Gekko fixes in Patch 6.05

    [ad_1] Valorant recently announced Gekko, the newest addition to Valorant’s agent pool. Gekko belongs to the Initiator class which depicts special skills which allow the agent to plant//defuse the spike using his wingman, jumping off walls, and further detecting enemies. The Agent’s pet aids him in gathering vital information during a round, giving his squad…

  • How Does Gekko’s Wingman Perform Against Other Valorant Agent Abilities?

    How Does Gekko’s Wingman Perform Against Other Valorant Agent Abilities?

    [ad_1] Valorant recently announced Gekko, the newest addition to Valorant’s agent pool. Gekko belongs to the Initiator class which depicts special skills which allow the agent to plant//defuse the spike using his wingman, jumping off walls, and further detecting enemies. The Agent’s pet aids him in gathering vital information during a round, giving his squad…

  • Valorant servers under maintenance as Gekko, Episode 6 Act 2 set to be introduced

    Valorant servers under maintenance as Gekko, Episode 6 Act 2 set to be introduced

    [ad_1] Valorant recently announced Gekko, the newest addition to Valorant’s agent pool. Gekko belongs to the Initiator class who depicts special skills which allow the agent to plant//defuse the spike using his wingman, jumping off walls and further detecting enemies. The Agent’s pet aids him in gathering vital information during a round, giving his squad…

  • Here are the five best Nightclubs to own in GTA Online » TalkEsport

    Here are the five best Nightclubs to own in GTA Online » TalkEsport

    [ad_1] It may not seem as complicated as finding the ideal spot for your Nightclub in Grand Theft Auto Online.  The major takeaway of owning a Nightclub around in Los Santos is that they are conveniently located near each other which allows players to easily hop from one to the next for a night of…

  • Valorant Season 6 Battlepass Guide

    Valorant Season 6 Battlepass Guide

    [ad_1] With Season 6, Act 2 on the horizon in Valorant, we will soon be getting a brand new Battlepass featuring a plethora of cosmetic items and a melee weapon to top it off. The below guide will walk you through the very details of Season 6 Act 2 in general.  Episode 6 Act 2…

  • Sentinels’ SicK arrested; Here’s Why

    Sentinels’ SicK arrested; Here’s Why

    [ad_1] According to a report by DotEsports, Hunter “SicK” Mims of Sentinels Valorant was earlier taken into custody. So far, there has been no official word regarding the 24-year-old’s release. Mims is being held on $5000 USD bond after being charged with a Class B misdemeanor as he is currently being detained in Dallas, Texas…

  • Valorant Saadhak’s “Om Sai Ram” Tattoo: What Does It Mean?

    Valorant Saadhak’s “Om Sai Ram” Tattoo: What Does It Mean?

    [ad_1] LOUD Valorant player Matias “Saadhak” Delipetro frequently sports an “Om Sai Ram” tattoo on his right arm beneath a Trishul. This raises the question of whether the 25-year-old player has roots in India or the entirety of Hinduism. The reasons why foreign players choose to adorn themselves with Hindu symbols can differ from person…