Author: John Carson
Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone Season 2 Starts Next Week
[ad_1] It is important to keep in mind what is going on within Activision Blizzard at this time regarding ongoing allegations about the work culture. The ongoing lawsuit from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) against the company is over reported toxic workplace culture. The bulk of the suit focuses on “violations…
Where Is Our Lost Ark Review?
[ad_1] Lost Ark launches for Western audiences this week, with its three-day early access event starting today. Amazon Games, the publisher bringing Tripod Studios and Smilegate’s RPG to the west, has been kind enough to let some of the press in a little early to play on a private server, so I’ve had my hands…
Phil Spencer Acquiring Lifetime Achievement Award At DICE Awards This Month
[ad_1] The 25th Annual DICE Awards are taking place later this month, and the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences has announced head of Xbox, Phil Spencer will receive the prestigious AIAS Lifetime Achievement Award. Presenting the award to Spencer will be industry luminary, and fellow Microsoft alumn Todd Howard, who was welcomed into the…
Risona, Asari Commander – Exclusive Magic: The Gathering Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Preview Card
[ad_1] Those of you who have been glued to Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty leaks prior to previews may have spotted our exclusive preview card, but I can assure you this is the best quality you have ever seen for it. Better yet, you can actually read every bit of text and stats on the card. Take…
Hands-On Impressions – Digging Into The Mina The Hollower Demo
[ad_1] After years of building out the world and characters of Shovel Knight through expansions and side adventures, developer Yacht Club Games is finally ready to create something unrelated to the dirt-digging hero. The studio is taking to Kickstarter once again to fund its newest project Mina the Hollower, which features a mousey protagonist with…
Mina the Hollower Is Shovel Knight Studio Yacht Club Game’s Next Project
[ad_1] Yacht Club Games, creators of Shovel Knight have announced it’s working on a new IP called Mina the Hollower, and like her platforming predecessor, Mina looks to build upon some classic inspirations. Unveiled during a presentation on G4 this afternoon called Yacht Club Games Presents, Mina the Hollower is a new title that shares elements of The Legend of Zelda and…
It Takes Two Film And Television Adaptation In The Works, Subject Of Multi-Party Bidding War
[ad_1] Hazelight Studios is looking to adapt its 2021 co-op romp It Takes Two to film or television thanks to a partnership with dj2 Entertainment. The news of this deal comes from an exclusive report from Variety. Outspoken Hazelight creative director Josef Fares sounds excited for the opportunity to bring It Takes Two to another medium. “Creating the…
Link Your PlayStation Account To Discord Starting Today
[ad_1] Announced back in May of last year, Sony and Discord formed a partnership to bring the PlayStation and Discord ecosystems together. Today, we’re finally seeing some movement in bringing Discord integration to Sony’s consoles, or rather the other way around. As of today, you can now link your PlayStation account to your Discord ID. This…
Horde And Alliance Players Will Be Allowed To Group Together In World Of Warcraft
[ad_1] It is important to keep in mind what is going on within Activision Blizzard at this time regarding ongoing allegations about the work culture. The ongoing lawsuit from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) against the company is over reported toxic workplace culture. The bulk of the suit focuses on “violations…
Crusader Kings 3 Invades Consoles In Late March
[ad_1] At Gamescom in August, Paradox Interactive announced its popular PC strategy series Crusader Kings would finally be making its console debut. Today, the publisher announced Crusader Kings III will be playable from your couch on March 29. Paradox is calling this release an adaptation, rather than a port, because of all of the changes…